Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Book, you made me cry

Right after trials, I've decided to kick back from my studies for a while and so, I picked this up.

Uhm well, I didn't exactly pick it up from a bookstore, Uncle Dennis and Sai Kuma borrowed it to me. YAY! I've never heard of the author before, nor the title of the book but right now, the author, the story, the characters, the settings are all stuck in my head and would stay there for a little while.


So here's the synopsis from the back of the book...

Eric Moro is a medical student eager to earn fast money modeling; Alexandra Taylor is an artist quite accustomed to drawing men's nude bodies. They fall deeply into a relationship astonishing in its intensity that transforms their lives. Then a foolish act from Eric's past rises to cast a devastating shadow over their idyllic relationship. But they will discover that within the very struggle to endure and to fight lie the seeds which can ensure love's survival.


I think if I tell you the whole story you'll probably get all excited and would be DYING to read the book. Then while reading you'll recap what I said and there! It's going to be boring and predictable. So I'll let you cry and sob and stay up late to read this yourself rather than spoil all the fun.

Whoever wants to borrow, line up! The book is with Marie.

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