Saturday, December 13, 2008


Whee! Went bowling with the youth yesterday. Let me name them.. Liana, Clarissa, Khin, Pearle, Samuel, Enoch, Andy, David, Timothy, Jeremy, Jordan, Lisa, Sabrina and ??. That's all I can remember xD. I went super late, I guess. The others have already started to bowl. But then, Clarissa, Khin, Liana and I took one lane and bowled, 1 game only. haha. It was quite =.= My score was like, gutter, -1, gutter, strike, and more lousy scores. In the end, my score was 46, I think. haha. At least I had 2 strikes!

The greatest boo-hoo was I DIDN'T BRING ME CAMERA! How can I do this to myself? sakai-ness. I brought my camera, but there was no memory stick in it. gahh!!!

I have no idea what to blog about...

Here's a thing!

Gaya countdown!!!
4 days to go bebeh!
okay...that went =.="

Feel like changing my layout again. Oh...for those who are wandering about this skin, NO. I ain't dating nobody. It's just a skin.

1 comment:

☆kR!sT!n★ said...

hahahahahaha!! XD really?? got countdown??