Saturday, February 7, 2009

Okay, I tagged myself

Where have you been most of yesterday?
-Home & Youth

Your name without a K?
-Abigail. :D

What was the last item you bought?
-Iced lemon tea?

What are you thinking about right now?
-My future? xD

What did you do yesterday?
-Stay at home doing nothing && youth in the evening =)

Who sits in front of you in math?
-Mei Kwan. Or Luk. Or Mary... o.0 it's the same person. hee...

Do you talk to the person you like every day?=
-I like? who? You tell me larh... xD

Is there something that you haven't told anyone that you actually would like to?
-For instance?? I don't get this question....

Do you have any pets?

When was the last time you were sad?
-Last night. pfft.

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
-DUH! If not, we won't be best friends today :)

What happened at 10 AM this morning?
-nothing. Ah Wong show start??

What time is it?
-10.29am yikes!

What time did you wake up today ?
-before 8am. tehehe

Is it warm outside?=
-Nope. But there is sun

Who's the last person you talked to?

What's your favorite color?
-RED, bebeh RED

What color shirt are you wearing?
-Pink? ugh.

Where's your mom?
- Working. duh!

Are you a happy person?
- Yes. Happy and full of emotions...

Are you happy at the moment?
- Dunno. Not really, I guess.

Are you wearing socks ?
-In the house??? No!

Who was the last person to call you?
- I have no idea who called me. yeeks < color="#666666" size="2">teet.teet.

Are you scared of spiders?
-I'm scared, but I kindda fancy how they look like :P

Do you believe in love?
-DUH! If not, why am I here??

Do you miss anyone?
-Ethan Yeooooo ) : I miss you!

Do you have trust issue?
-Trust issue?? Maybe, maybe not =b

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