Saturday, January 9, 2010

[17th Dec, 09] China day 3

I always wake up late in China. haha. That's because we always sleep late and we ignore the morning call. But still, we are not always the one who arrive at breakdast the last. So it's great. ngah ha.

Breakfast in the hotel again. From that breakfast onwards, I was mad at somebody at our table because she turned the table before I snapped what I wanted to snap. Which is really *&^%. Yeah, no words to describe. So i decided not to fight, and give in. Don't take lo...

Started our journey after that. I've forgotten what place is this but it's also a tourist attraction. It's something like a tea plantation. haha.

As usual, all of us were FREEZING again. The tea they served is really good for warming our palms. HAA. No one cared how the tea taste like. They just like the warmth, I guess.

After yamcha-ing, we went outside to walk. If you prefer not to walk (like lazy ma and Nick), then you can relax in the tea house (which is totally boring because the walk is about 2 hours plus. And there is nothing much to see in the tea house, except for tea, and teapots. And if you walk, you feel warmer because you, exercise.. keep your body going. If you just sit in the teahouse, you gain weight because you drink cups and cups of tea, and freeze)


It's a great place to visit if you like nature. I took lots and lots of pictures, of tress and flowers and water and bushes and leaves. Yeah, those who walked with me think I'm insane. So I will not post the flora and fauna here, later all of you fall asleep :D

Who is dumber?

Someone going out to have a walk in the cold


Someone touching a fountain of freezing cold water before having a walk in the cold?

YEAH. of course me lah! My hands were super cold and I touch the water summore.

This is no math problem. positive + positive does not equal to negative here. And positive + negavtive doesn't equal to negative either.

It 's (in this case only) positive + positive = POSITIVE POSITIVE. = cold + cold

But at least I tried it. Others followed me, taking the same type of picture, doing the same pose. pfft. I really don't like it when people copycat. Call me stingy lah ..


Then we came to this place. Something like a rest stop, which you can sit down and have some food. And we saw something strange. MIST.

So blah blah I got excited and so I asked pa to take a picture of me, and the mist. Others also took pictures there.

Manatau as we walk further towards the "mist", we found out that it's actually the STEAM coming our from the PAO STEAMER.

I know. NGONG to the max. Well, at least the picture came out nice, sortta.

More walking... more tress and flowers. Then, hello tea plantation.

This is a remake! I took a picture like this in Korea last time, eating hay. Now in China, I eat tea leaves. chio, or not?

Someone from our group peeing in the pool. The pee pressure really strong oh...

A picture of the guards, and me. I like their uniform. So cool oh if you have a red hat! And I feel short between them =.= They must have to be at a certain height to be guards, maybe. Do I qualify?

Next, went to 葉劍英 (Ye JianYing)'s house and memorial palace (or museum) after the tea. I had no idea who he is. He's one out of the 10 China 元帥 (marshal) back in the history days. His (old) house is really big, btw and the memorial palace is HUGE.

who's more handsome? Nick or Mr. Yap?

his house

Oh. See this guy at the left, he's someone from Ipoh which we don't know. So here, he's the spoiler of this picture!!!

Continue to read and find out who he is...

After visiting. Went for lunch. It's just blocks away from the marshal's museum. Then, on the road again. It's about a 3 hour drive from MeiZhou to Dabu (our real destination. It's the main point of this whole trip). I cannot confirm whether it's 3 hours or not, I slept in the bus the whole time.

Arrived hello hometown! Dabu in the afternoon. Then we went to greet the Dabu association people, who are working in the offices. And we looked through many old old photos of Dabu children who contributed to the city. It was really boring, and cold. until...

they seated us at the conference room and gave us snacks to munch on!!!! The people in the office greated us and everything. Our pengerusi introduced us to them and blah blah. He made a little speech and all. I did not pay attention, honestly (since when do i pay attention to things like this?!), because I was busy munching peanuts and drinking hot tea.

'Busy munching peanuts and drinking hot tea' sounds like retirement. YUCK!
Who cares? The peanuts were awesome! We even took the one's from the next door table :P

A family portrait (plus my aunt's family). The picture behind is the portrait of the WHOLE Dabu City. This photo is obviously edited because the cameraman (our tour guide) didn't know how to use my camera. PFFT.

We arrived our hotel pretty early. At like, 5 something. One thing that caught our eyes were the saloon just beside the hotel. Chloiie (a friend that I met from Youth Camp, who is also in this trip) and I decided to go wash our hair in the saloon, since the price is dead cheap, RMB$ 15. But then she went down with her parents and brother, so I had to go down by myself =.= My cousin sister was supposed to accompany me but she was so slow, I got fed up and went down. hahaha.

People working in the saloon were really friendly, maybe they're curious. They asked me a whole bunch of questions about me, and where I came from. Shocked to know that I'm only 15, and amazed because we knew how to speak English. hahaha. They know how to speak hakka but their hakka is way different than ours, so we communicated in mandarin. Their mandarin is better than the Shanghai ones. :D

After the wash + blow dry.

If you guys have any chance/ time to wash your hair in China. GO TRY IT! It's so much more cooler than Sabah ones. hahaha

Can you guess how long the wash+blow took? 45 minutes! That's usual but mine only lasted for 30 mintues because I told the shampoo boy that I have dinner at 7. So he said he'll speed up a bit and he also told the guy who dried my hair to kasi cepat. So pro ohh...

Normally we sit my aunt and her family but this time, we sat with the family from Ipoh, the Kew family, which is also 邱 is chinese, but withour the 'ear' . It's the same actually, they added the 'ear' just to make it look nicer. The original one is , which is how the Kew's write it.

Then we got know them and everything, joking that we might be related because we have the same surname. One of their relatives who is in Dabu came to visit them during dinner and he offered to take us around town. We said okay but we didn't really want to follow. It was our first night in Dabu and we really wanted to shop.

What did we do??

We left early during dinner, then went down to the streets to hang kai. I made a pair of new spectacles in one of the optical shops. Cheap, only RMB$ 190. Not even RM 100. And they get it done in 15 minutes!! So fast! Here? You have for days my goodness.

At one corner of the road, some car honked at us. Guess who? The Kew family, and their relative (let's call him Big uncle from here). Looks like our plan to escape failed. We told them to go ahead with their plans and everything but they INSIST we go. what to do? Ikut lahh...

The Sabahans (our group) were shocked actually, they were standing at the corner of the road too, watching the abduction. haha

Big uncle drove us to 美食街 (Food street) but...
No more shops were open. I didn't really see any food shops there... only handphone repair shops and a barber =.=

So he said that he'll bring us to makan and asked us what we want to try. And PA said dog meat!!


yeah, he said it. He was joking anyways.

But Big Uncle thought we really wanted to have a taste of dog meat and brought us one of the shops. My goodness.

Non-chinese readers: Let's summarize this picture... DOG MEAT

I was shaking when I went into that shop, not because it was freezing (it was) but because I was scared to death. I saw piles of dogmeat in the kitchen. AHH. They shouldn't have open kitchens. And I even watched them cooking it.

Now thinking back, it wasn't that bad after all... hahaha But lesson learnt, NEVER joke in China. Or else, this will happen....

besides dog meat, Big uncle's wife ordered some hakka delicacies from small stalls outside the dog meat shop.

This looks like dumpling but it's not. The locals call it (ban). It's their kuih lah. Gof different fillings inside. Quite yummy.

Tofu. I was releaved when this dish came out. It didn't taste nice but it's tofu. I had a lot of this
ugh. Shell. There's another type but I forgot to take the picture. This one, you have to suck it out. And the other bigger type, it's like eating escargo, dig it out. I ate neither. I don't eat this type of, shell food.

Ma tried one of the escargo. eee. She put the meat into her mouth and then she spit it out again. Then, she asked me to look at spit-out-meat. There were lots of baby-escargos sticking on it. OH YUCK!!! Thinking of it makes me want to puke!!! Okay, skip the shell.

Dog meat. XD

I asked Big Uncle what is it and he said it's pork. =.= Do you think I'm that dumb?<br>

So yeah, I tried this dish. I took one piece. Quite good. Taste like pork/chicken/mutton. There's another dish of dog meat but I didn't take a picture of it. It's a soup dish. I ate one piece also and drank the soup. The soup is tasty! Though it looks reddish, like blood.

WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! The highlight of the whole China trip actually!! We escaped, got abducted, and ate dog meat. It's exciting, no? At least I tried it before.

The kids! Nick, 劉冰(Big Uncle's daughter) and 豪豪(from the Kew family)

Nick trying the escargo. He spitted it out two seconds later. hahaha

豪豪 was the adventurous one. He ate loads of the shell thingee, and dog meat. He ate the most, can say lahh....

After that? us kids went to get some ice-cream. Hard to find as it was already midnight and all the shops were closed. But we managed to get some..
So okay. end of day 3.

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