Thursday, November 6, 2008


I admit I like him!
Is that enough?

I wonder how the other side of the world looks like? Is it greener? Or cooler? This really curious thingee keeps whirling in my mind. What is friggin wrong with my brain? I keep thinking of useless stuff, and then comes the dumb questions. Is this because of too much rubik? Or is it because I'm hanging out with Reuben and Rodney and those other guys instead of girls? no idea...

By the way girls, where you guys mad at me because I was too busy Rubik-ing with the guys? ??? I'm sorry, by the way. I was too caught up.

Guess what? I got the 25th place in class. Super bad yarh? At this time of the year and still the 20 something. I hope I will stay in the bright class. Some people got "fung" saying that there will be 6 person from 2D coming in to our class next year. 6!?!?! Which means there will be at least 6 from our class who will be going to other classes. I hope it's not me, or anyone else. Can we 2Cs be 3Cs again? No need change larh, better.

Teachers are so slow in doing their work. We can only get our report card next year. What is this suppose to mean? So lousy! Say wah high technology what-so-ever.. then? Use the high tech-ness and print our report card larh! No use if the humans are lazy and the computer is hardworking and high tech. Makes no difference.

Form 5 & 6 convo today. We only went to the form 6 one. hahaha. So bored. Karee kept 'ai-ren'-ing. We had 10 minutes extra recess time. It doesn't really matter anyways. If you sit in the canteen sampai 1.40 pm also nobody peduli. Lazy-ness, again.

Yamcha...see ya!

1 comment:

Isabelle Yong said...

Hey Abby...
First off...

Nice blog u got there. Keep it up.

2ndly, u wanted tennis racquet? I got 2 and with balls... but they are in KL... so, if u want... I can just pass to u... or else, I throw rubbish bin. :P

kau fu
Since u like photography so much, when u in KL, I bring u go photo shooting want?