Monday, November 3, 2008


It's November already?
I didn't even realise!

This means the smell of the Christmas turkey is getting nearer and nearer! Speaking of turkey, last year was a total turkey hunt for our family. Well, it's not for Christmas Day but it was for our youth's Christmas dinner. Yeaps. Ma said that she would sponsor a turkey but that time was like, sometime during November and the turkeys and sold yet. Luckily, Tong Hing air-flowned in some turkey, only about 12 birds. We bought the heaviest one. haha. Praise God! This year, I don't think there will be a Christmas dinner. We're too busy with the Gaya and drama thingee.

No nyong nyong's turkey either. I have to carol on the 24th night and will be flying off to KL for Christmas the next day. I'm flying on the 25th bah.. don't ask why. It's becoming a tradition. We want to spend Christmas Eve in Good Samaritan and then fly off to KL to berkumpul with the Yong ka. It's fun =) This time, we'll be staying until New Year, so the we can watch the fireworks and the celebration, which we always missed. haha.

I still can have Set yiyi's turkey! wheeee
Can't wait to go KL!!!
I want shopping!

Just now, I was super ngong! Karee told me about DauFuBok's blog and asked me to take a look so, okay. I typed the link but then, BLOG NOT FOUND! Then like, why cannot one? Okay, I found out that I ter-salahtype his name. =.=" Ultra-ngong.

nah...this is his link. hahaha. click the picture

Today was Mesyuarat Agong Ko-Kurriculum 2009, otherwise known to the students, a boring co-cum meeting. Yeaps. It was tons of boringness. And yeah, my name is not on any of the lists. Not even one group. Christian Cluc, KRS and basketball - NONE! Does the mean I'm an illegal student trespassing? tehehe I seriously don't know how the office people do their job. Didn't even put my name in! plank...

Good news for all, the 4S finally flew back to Tawau. =) pure freedom

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