Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A letter to kill

Dear Abby,

I hate you. Your life so good. Many people like you, many people love you. I dunno why people like you. Your smile and laughter just kills many. I want be you, can?


I received this note in my drawer this morning. I didn't tell Marie and the others due to very suspicious reasons. hahaha. Did one of you put the note in my drawer before I arrived school?

Anyways, the note got me thinking again.
Many people like me meh?
I make people adore me kah??

As far as I know not many people fell in love with me. Especially the guys. XD They say they like me more of a sister, than a girlfriend. Which is fine.

I don't really think I'm that good. I didn't realise that I was such a threat too. To her/him. It's hurtful to hear the someone hates me because many people like me. ahhhh.....I don't really get much of this so I'll try to check out the person who stuck this paper in my drawer.

Instead of wandering about, I will reply her note here.....
(manatau she stalks my blog also de =P)

Dear wannabeyou9,
Thanks for telling me that you hate me. I would put that in mind or so. Anyways, don't try to be me, be yourself. There is no point being someone else. You can continue to hate me but I will accept your apology when you're ready. hahaha

Born an original, don't die a copy.

Nice right? I got it from Deborah's friendster background. It's really meaningful. God made each one of us different, extraordinary. There's no double. So, love your life, love who you are. Don't go and copycat. I don't like copycats. =)

Today's 09.09.08. It will be a nice date for next year. 09.09.09. wah....so fun. If any of you are planning to have babies, plan that he/she will be born next year on this date. hahaha. Or, for thos of you who are planning to get married, that day will be a great day. wakaka. Shucks. I just wanted to wish Hui Ping a

Happy Birthday!

She's getting a handphone from her dad. How great.
Best wishes from me!!!!

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