Friday, August 8, 2008

Building a church

During the prayer meeting this morning, da yung (dan tat) said that he has a dream of building a church next to the padang, on the land which grows only trees, yeah. We'll have to tebang the pokok, that's not a really good thing. Cutting trees down. Why don't we just build the church in the centre?? syok then. =) Anyways, we don't know when will this come true but we just commit this to the Lord. Samuel Ong (there are a lot of people named Samuel here!) kept dreaming of going to the auditorium. He has the auditorium madness dream. I think he really likes the place. But maybe one day we will be able to fill the auditorium, us Christians, and the Lord will fill his love and glory in every corner of the audtorium. Wonderful.

We now use the Multimedia room....
then comes the auditorium...
Soon the hall....
Later a church!

How great is that?

The formal prayer meeting held after school at the Multimedia room was great! 23 students turned up. This was the first time and it's a great start. Even those form the chinese CF joined us. How fun. Many students saw awesome visions from God, as for me, God gave me a few words,

Don't give up!
Do what you want to do, reach what you want to reach and I will be there for you.
Totally amazing.

Father Lord, i just pray that more and more people will come to join us in prayer and more and people will come to know you Lord. Father Lord, I just pray for the christians in shcool that they will be strong christians and that they will bring more people to You. Father I just pray that we'll ba able to do your will. Amen.

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