Saturday, August 2, 2008

Snail fun!

We made i-clay snails yesterday during the youth meeting. It was sooooo fun. So, here are some of my respective snails. The clay was supposed to only make 1 snail but i made 3. hahaha. One big happy family. And thanks tosome contribution from Wen Le, i made a lollipop from the leftoever clay. Here are some snaps!
The taikor of the family. He has to work as a bookmark to earn money...

The naughty younger snail. She's tanned =P

I wonder where the youngest baby went? Oh yeah...zoom in my spectacles...

here she is! The baby. As big as a 10 cent coin..

The lollipop.... It tasted like...clay

One big snaily family...and the lollipop as the background =)

It was great fun! Jeremy even made one with the Elvis Presley hairstyle. Marie's made one for Karee. It was really cute, marble snail. tehehe. Sharon made one with a pink body, Kristin made a big football team! Hers are so cute! If we get the chance to play with this clay again, i would like to make one of ME. wakaka. just joking. It would be weird eh? ME making myself out of clay!

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