Sunday, August 31, 2008

School History

History project. We're doing Sejarah sekolah this year and our group topic is Latar belakang sekolah. It sounds easy but it's brain straining! My group hasn't done much yet and we have to pass it up like, in September something. Scanning ancient project done by former students of KK High. I salute them larh...their projects were done so well, even the guys. And guess what? These projects can be antiques...from the year 1992 punya...I'm not even born yet! But then...they are so much better to read compared to the projects nowadays. I admit. My previous projects were totally a boo! compared to theirs.

Here are some stuff that I scanned. Crooked de lah...Anyways, I'll make them straight later...photoshop!

one of the cover...done by Kumpulan Raiders 1992.
A guy group!
I like this actually, ter-crooked.
the effort that they put in...
With no high tech stuff, they still made a super duper cool project. Cheers to you guys! And because of that, I'm going to do my project with my own hands, no typing this year. Only papers, my pen and I! yay!
I'm going to post 2 more post later, if I have the time. They'll be about GS Kids this morning and a song that came to me last night. I'll try to remember the lyrics. Abby the sotong had forgotten to bring the paper again!

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