Friday, August 29, 2008

We banged

Everyone was so mad. Some even cried about their result, not many were happy. Anyways, I scored a pretty lame 47. eek. I don't know what to say to mum later. I really did study you know!

Prayer meeting was totally cool today. About 20+ showed up. cheers. Great testimonies.

Now...the story of the day. it's called
[a true story that happend to Abby]

After the prayer meeting, I headed over to the phone booth to call kung.
So, i put the first 10 cent coin in. It was stuck.
You know how dumb I could be sometimes right?
I put the other 10 cent coin, hoping that this will push the stucked coin and the I will be able to call but...
the one I put in later got stuck as well. Gosh.
So, I started banging the phone. Bang~bang~bang~
Then Rachel (I met her last year...netball team) came and said "oh...stuck!" and started banging.
Then she said "cuba kau pukul..",
then I banged,
she banged (!)
and her friends banged.
And yet, still no money came out.
So, one of her friends used her nail clipper(pengawas mahh..) to try to push the coin down but the nail clipper was too short.
And then..haha, smart me.
I suggested the ruler!
So I gave Rachel the ruler and she started putting it through the coin hole.
Later....wakaka. many many coins came tumbling out!
It was like more than a dollar!
So I said thanks and we shared the money.
I started to insert a coin again, and guess what?!
It got stuck!! Moron!!!
So, the pengawas with the nail clipper took the ruler and poke it through the hole again.
The money went down and more more more coins came out.
Share again.
Thanks again.
They left.
I called kung and the story ends.
Thanks guys!!!

Fun day huh? was great.
God is great!
(sing His praise
all the earth
all the heavens)

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