Wednesday, October 29, 2008

only an A?!

So far, I only got an A, one friggin English A. Plank!

I lost to Reuben =( He scored 93 while I scored a very pathetic 90. How bad is that? Dumb bad

Class today was BORED! Moral teacher didn't enter class so we made the DIY sheep. We only did a few things, still lots more part of the body to go. The other half of the class were, okay, in a very well-mannered way, playing poker; in a rude-pasar way, GAMBLING! Whoever brought those poker cards sure are guilty. They really did gamble for money, not just playing for fun! You can actually see real Malaysian Ringgit on the tables. naughty naughty!

Yes, I do play poker cards and all, only during Chinese New Year. I only have a budget of 2 bucks everytime. I bet really small, maximum 20 cents. So, I have a fat chance of winning some money. tehehe. But I won't get addicted to it, just for fun.

A lady came to school and gave a talk about magic and maths. As usual, talks make most humans sleepy. This one was too sleepy, but I like the part when she taught us how to do magic tricks! It was pretty fun, I'm going to try it on Nick. hahaha. I still want the RM16.90/pack card deck. They're so cute!

Karee ponteng-ed today. Too bad. The lady who gave the talked today woulrbe Karee's favourite speaker because she kept ham xiao-ing!

My mood lately isn't very pretty. Don't burst my bubble or else....

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